New Ambient Guitar Album in the Works

With the release of Vision (, the Chords of Orion music production machine suddenly found itself in a lull. What to do?

After some soul searching (for about 30 seconds), the decision was made to embark upon a new album project! This time, however, instead of re-imaging old traditional tunes, I decided to re-image an old poem. Let me explain:

William Wordsworth ( is poet that has inspired and fascinated me for many years. In particular a set of 5 poems about an enigmatic girl who died at an early age. Her name was Lucy. Here are all 5 poems for your poetic reading pleasure. Let them roll around in your soul:

The new album will be a set of 8 songs, each song named after a line of the 5th poem, “A slumber did my spirit seal”. Here then are the song titles:

1. A slumber did my spirit seal
2. I had no human fears
3. She seemed a thing that could not feel
4. The touch of earthly years
5. No motion has she now, no force
6. She neither hears nor sees
7. Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course
8. With rocks, and stones, and trees

I am very much looking forward to introducing the new songs as they unfold. I’ll posting a Youtube video of each song in a “rough mix” form as I record and mix them. Stay tuned!!